Gosto de música tradicional irlandesa e, de uma forma geral, da música de tradição celta.
E o outono é, para mim, estação de canções celtas,
daquelas que nos trazem
folhas como labaredas rodopiando no céu cinza,
brumas suaves,
e uma melancolia doce que nos aconchega como um abraço.
Canções como a que ouço neste momento, interpretada pelos Dervish (no meu coração desde a primeira vez que os ouvi, há uns anos, no Festival Intercéltico de Sendim).
Ahhh, e esta voz (Cathy Jordan, Cathy Jordan...) que nos afaga a alma.
I like traditional Irish music and, in general, traditional Celtic music.
And for me, autumn it’s the season of Celtic songs,
those that bring us
leaves like flames flitting in the grey sky,
soft mists,
and a sweet melancholy which snuggle us like an embrace.
Songs like the one I hear in this moment, performed by Dervish (in my heart since I first heard them a few years ago, in Festival Intercéltico de Sendim).
Ahhh, and this voice (Cathy Jordan, Cathy Jordan...) that caresses our soul."
I like traditional Irish music and, in general, traditional Celtic music.
And for me, autumn it’s the season of Celtic songs,
those that bring us
leaves like flames flitting in the grey sky,
soft mists,
and a sweet melancholy which snuggle us like an embrace.
Songs like the one I hear in this moment, performed by Dervish (in my heart since I first heard them a few years ago, in Festival Intercéltico de Sendim).
Ahhh, and this voice (Cathy Jordan, Cathy Jordan...) that caresses our soul."
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