Os koalas devem ser dos animais mais queridos que conheço. Basta olhar para um destes marsupiais para ficarmos rendidos ao seu "charme"...
Quando estivemos na Austrália vimos alguns em eucaliptos ao longo da estrada, mas avistamos a maior parte numa reserva que visitámos. Uma reserva dedicada aos koalas porque - supostamente - estes simpáticos animais estão em perigo (apesar da sua população ter aumentado nos últimos anos e não estarem em risco de extinção, neste momento). Claro que somos o seu maior predador: destruímos o seu habitat natural, abrimos estradas que isolam os nichos onde vivem (impedindo-os de fugir quando, por exemplo, há um incêndio), percorremos essas estradas a alta velocidade (em alturas diferentes, vimos dois deles mortos na berma da estrada), ... Comparado com os humanos, o dingo é um predador de trazer por casa.
Por isto, quando vi esta notícia não queria acreditar. Ainda não acredito. Estou triste, triste. Procurei mais informação mas até agora não encontrei nada que me fizesse compreender a opção de matar 700 koalas. Numa determinada altura é dito que transportá-los (para zonas onde não lhes falte alimento) seria stressante e eventualmente provocar-lhes-ia a morte. Mas koalas são levados para Zoos, não são? Deve haver uma maneira "certa" de o fazer, não? Custa-me muito crer que esta era mesmo a única solução viável.
Se me conseguirem fazer entender ou tiverem mais informação sobre este assunto, agradeço.
It’s likely that Koalas are the cutest animals I know. Just looking at one of these marsupials and we surrender ourselves to its "charm"...
When we were in Australia we saw some koalas in eucalyptus trees along the road, but mostly in a reserve we visited. A reserve devoted to koalas because - supposedly - these lovely animals are in danger (despite its population have increased in the last years and - at this moment - they aren't at risk of extinction). Of course we're their biggest predator: we destroy their natural habitat, we open roads that isolate the niches where they live (for example, preventing them from running away when there is a fire), we drive through these roads in high speed (at different times, we have seen two of them dead on the roadside), ... Compared with humans, the dingo is a petty predator.
Therefore, when I saw this news I couldn't believe it. I don't believe it yet. I'm sad, so sad. I searched for more information, but so far I haven't found anything that made me understand the option to kill 700 koalas. At some point it's said that to transport them (to areas where they have the food they need) would be stressful and eventually can cause their death. Nevertheless, koalas are taken to zoos, aren't they? There should be a "right" way to do it, right? It's very hard to me to believe that this is really the only viable solution.
If you can make me understand this or if you have more information on this subject, I thank you.
When we were in Australia we saw some koalas in eucalyptus trees along the road, but mostly in a reserve we visited. A reserve devoted to koalas because - supposedly - these lovely animals are in danger (despite its population have increased in the last years and - at this moment - they aren't at risk of extinction). Of course we're their biggest predator: we destroy their natural habitat, we open roads that isolate the niches where they live (for example, preventing them from running away when there is a fire), we drive through these roads in high speed (at different times, we have seen two of them dead on the roadside), ... Compared with humans, the dingo is a petty predator.
Therefore, when I saw this news I couldn't believe it. I don't believe it yet. I'm sad, so sad. I searched for more information, but so far I haven't found anything that made me understand the option to kill 700 koalas. At some point it's said that to transport them (to areas where they have the food they need) would be stressful and eventually can cause their death. Nevertheless, koalas are taken to zoos, aren't they? There should be a "right" way to do it, right? It's very hard to me to believe that this is really the only viable solution.
If you can make me understand this or if you have more information on this subject, I thank you.
Não sou, de todo, especialista no assunto, mas também não consigo perceber a medida que se tomou...