16 August 2018

dois anos :: two years

iris - wild child - countryside life

Apesar de ter nascido no Norte, a nossa menina já é Beirã. Já é mais destes planaltos graníticos do que do oceano revolto que a viu nascer.

Sempre ouvi dizer que das Beiras saíram grandes homens.

Ao olhar para a nossa menina a percorrer, afoita (e nua...), os caminhos agrestes das redondezas, sinto-me feliz ao vê-la crescer aqui, onde o ar é puro, os horizontes largos e a terra sã.

E que o crescer aqui a faça forte, genuína, leal, resiliente, justa.

E se um dia partir E quando partir, terá a têmpera dos Beirões e será do tamanho que quiser.


Despite being born in the North, our girl is already a "Beirã" (the term use to identify who is from this region). She's more of these granite plateaus than of the turbulent ocean that saw her birth.

I have always heard that great men came out of this region.

As I look at our little girl, walking reckless (and naked ...), the wild paths of our surroundings, I'm happy to see her grow here, where the air is pure, the horizons wide and the soil healthy.

And I hope that growing here makes her strong, genuine, loyal, resilient, fair.

And if one day she leaves And when she leaves, she will have the temper of the "Beirões" and she will be of the size that she wants.

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